
I've never been a big fan of Dr. Who. Sure, I watched as a kid growing up in England, and I occasionally caught the show on BBC Americas. It was a "take it or leave it" thing for me, as an adult I became pretty "meh" about the show.

That was until last Saturday, May 1, 2010. This is a day indelibly etched into my memory as it was when I was first introduced to the awesomeness that is Karen Gillan, playing the Doctor's companion Amy Pond.

Karen blew me away. Her charm, grace, humor, intelligence, dignity and stunning beauty all sum up to make her the perfect woman.

This unofficial fan club blog exists for just one reason, and that is to pay homage to this perfect woman.

Karen, thank you for just being you :-)


PS - This is in no way meant to be a creepy stalker type thing!
PPS - What makes this odd is that I've never really gone for a redhead before!